The UM202 is the only heavy-duty top-loading washer-extractor in the world constructed from 100% stainless steel. Our industry-leading cycle times help you turnaround towels much faster, so that you can reduce the amount of towels required to get through the workday. In an industry where laundry downtime is not an option, you can rely on our unmatched durability, which is backed by an exceptional warranty and the largest service and support network in North America. Plus, the straightforward design allows for fast and easy troubleshooting.
The UM202 is specially designed for fast-paced environments. Its basic design makes it easy to use over the course of a busy day. Plus, the 690 G-Force extraction ensures that your towels will be completely dry and ready to use the moment they come out of the machine.
The basic design allows for low maintenance and easy troubleshooting, while easy-to-use controls make training and operation simple for your employees.
The UM202 requires no special flooring, doesn’t need to be bolted to the floor and is great for car washes with our UL “rainproof enclosure.”
Our two-year limited parts warranty protects you if failure should occur during normal operation due to defects in material or workmanship.
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