Speed Queen Front Load Washer (Prep for Card Reader)

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Engineered and built like no other, the Speed Queen® front load washer is designed to be everything people thought a washer couldn’t be, beginning with its revolutionary suspension and sensing technology. This groundbreaking innovation manages and redistributes out-

of-balance loads to deliver uninterrupted cycles, virtually eliminate vibration, and operate so quietly that neighboring residents won’t even know it’s running. It also touts an incredible 440 G-Force extraction speed to maximize moisture removal, reduce dry times, and minimize utility

costs. And as if that’s not game-changing enough, this smooth-running, laundry-optimizing machine delivers increased water efficiency. It’s everything you never knew it could be.

Speed Queen Front Load Washer (Prep for Card Reader)

Specifications & Features

With revolutionary balancing technology, virtually imperceptible noise and vibration, incredible 440 G-Force extraction, and a redesigned 10-degree tilted control panel,
Speed Queen front load washers are engineered and built to perform.

  • Revolutionary balancing technology redistributes and balances even the most unbalanced loads
  • 2.5 times less noise and virtually imperceptible vibration reduce impact on neighboring residents
  • Increased 440 G-Force extraction speed reduces drying times
  • Durably designed to deliver long-lasting performance with features like a rugged suspension system, stainless steel wash tub, and a dynamic balancing system
  • ADA Compliant
  • Industry-leading 1200 RPM spin speed exerts
  • Integrated meter case
  • Extra-wide 15.5" door opening and 180° door swing
  • Rugged suspension system
  • Easy-to-read digital display
  • Large capacity meter case standard
  • Multi-level vend pricing
  • Individual cycle modifier keys
  • Durable stainless steel tub standard
  • Four-compartment soap dispenser
  • Wash Alert™ capability

Quantum® Gold Pro Control

The Quantum® Gold Pro control delivers a truly premium experience to residents. From intuitive soft-touch buttons that walk them through cycle options to multiple actuations (coin, card, mobile) for payment flexibility, this control gives residents the wash-and-dry options they want, and the revenue potential managers desire.

Quantum® Gold Pro
At its highest level, innovation simplifies, empowers, and brings a more premium experience.

That's exactly what Speed Queen has done with the Wi-Fi-enabled Quantum® Gold Pro control, built specifically for the multi-housing market.

Quantum Gold Pro simplifies operation for residents through an intuitive cycle structure that walks them up through cycle options, from left to right. This makes it easier to utilize tiered pricing and reap the revenue boost from it. An increased return on your investment is just the beginning, as this control delivers several benefits, including:

A Premium Experience

Capacitive, or soft-touch buttons, offer a high-quality experience that means less wear and tear on a key touchpoint of the machine. Every detail was considered in the development of this machine, even the white lights on the control, as consumer research has shown they equate the latter with higher quality.

Flexible and Powerful

With multiple actuations (coin, card, mobile) offered, Quantum Gold Pro gives laundry service providers unprecedented flexibility, while reducing add-on costs. Programming and audit capabilities are streamlined and made infinitely powerful utilizing Near Field Communication (NFC) with Android devices, opening access to advanced monitoring data when configured with Speed Queen Insights.

Factory-Installed Convenience
Quantum Gold Pro is a truly professional solution.

  • Wi-Fi enabled
  • Speed Queen Insights ready
  • Delivered direct from the factory with a cashless networked and non-networked mobile pay solution already installed for convenience

The days of lining up brand-new machines and drilling into them to attach a third-party system becomes a thing of the past. This plug-and-play solution is a gift of convenience.

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